Test Data Making Script

Test DATA making Script

Test DATA making Script

▶️ Python Script for making Test Data


For testing our API, we need to make a lot of test data. So, we need to make a script for making test data.

import json
import random
import datetime
import bson
descriptions = ["Buy groceries", "Clean the kitchen", "Walk the dog", "Do laundry","Study for exam", "Call doctor", "Pay bills", "Make dinner", "Take out trash",
"Water plants", "Go for a run", "Read book", "Write a letter to a friend", "Organize your closet", "Take a bubble bath", "Watch a movie",
"Try a new recipe", "Take a yoga class", "Go for a hike", "Volunteer at a local charity", "Take a dance class", "Write in a journal",
"Go to a museum", "Take a photography class", "Learn a new language", "Take a pottery class", "Go to a concert", "Take a painting class",
"Go to a play", "Take a cooking class", "Go to a comedy show", "Take a sewing class", "Go to a sporting event", "Take a knitting class",
"Go to a wine tasting", "Take a woodworking class", "Go to a poetry reading", "Take a jewelry making class", "Go to a book club meeting",
"Take a creative writing class", "Go to a trivia night", "Take a gardening class", "Go to a karaoke night", "Take a public speaking class",
"Go to a dance party", "Take a meditation class", "Go to a networking event", "Take a self-defense class", "Go to a speed dating event",
"Take a financial planning class", "Go to a wine and paint night", "Take a bartending class", "Go to a cooking competition",
"Take a makeup class", "Go to a fashion show", "Take a pottery painting class", "Go to a silent disco", "Take a flower arranging class",
"Go to a magic show", "Take a woodworking workshop", "Go to a food festival", "Take a soap making class", "Go to a beer tasting",
"Take a soap carving class", "Go to a cheese tasting", "Take a glass blowing class", "Go to a chocolate tasting", "Take a soap bubble class",
"Go to a cheese making class", "Take a glass etching class", "Go to a chocolate making class", "Take a soap making workshop",
"Go to a cheese pairing class", "Take a glass fusing class", "Go to a chocolate workshop", "Take a soap making seminar",
"Go to a cheese workshop", "Take a glass painting class", "Go to a chocolate and wine pairing", "Take a soap making course",
"Go to a cheese and wine pairing", "Take a glass blowing workshop", "Go to a chocolate and cheese pairing", "Take a soap making lesson",
"Go to a cheese making workshop", "Take a glass etching workshop", "Go to a chocolate making workshop", "Take a soap making tutorial",
"Go to a cheese pairing workshop", "Take a glass fusing workshop", "Go to a chocolate and wine tasting", "Take a soap making class online",
"Go to a cheese workshop online", "Take a glass painting workshop", "Go to a chocolate and cheese tasting", "Take a soap making workshop online",
"Go to a cheese and wine pairing online", "Take a glass blowing class online", "Go to a chocolate and wine pairing online",
"Take a soap making seminar online", "Go to a cheese making workshop online", "Take a glass etching class online",
"Go to a chocolate making workshop online", "Take a soap making course online", "Go to a cheese and wine pairing workshop online",
"Take a glass fusing class online", "Go to a chocolate and cheese pairing online", "Take a soap making lesson online",
"Go to a cheese pairing workshop online", "Take a glass etching workshop online", "Go to a chocolate and wine tasting online",
"Take a soap making class in person", "Go to a cheese workshop in person", "Take a glass painting workshop online",
"Go to a chocolate and cheese tasting online", "Take a soap making workshop in person", "Go to a cheese and wine pairing in person",
"Take a glass blowing class in person", "Go to a chocolate and wine pairing in person", "Take a soap making seminar in person",
"Go to a cheese making workshop in person", "Take a glass etching class in person", "Go to a chocolate making workshop in person"]
# Generate 10 random task objects
tasks = []
for i in range(100000):
    # Generate random values for each field
    description = random.choice(descriptions)
    status = random.choice(["completed", "incomplete"])
    priority = random.choice(["low", "medium", "high", "urgent"])
    due_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=random.randint(1, 30))
    owner = str(bson.ObjectId())
    # Create the task object
    task = {
        "description": description,
        "status": status,
        "priority": priority,
        "dueDate": due_date.isoformat() + "Z",
        "owner": owner
    # Add the task to the list of tasks
# Convert the list of tasks to JSON and print it
with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write(json.dumps(tasks, indent=2))
  1. Make a file named tasks.py and copy the above code into it.
  • Install the bson package by running pip install bson in your terminal.
  • Install the datetime package by running pip install datetime in your terminal.
  • Install the random package by running pip install random in your terminal.
  • Install the json package by running pip install json in your terminal.
  1. Run the script by running python tasks.py in your terminal.
  • You need to add location of the file also like python /Users/username/Desktop/tasks.py in your terminal.
  • In my case, python "C:\Users\maity\Desktop\Main Experiment\.vscode\Python\CodeXam.py"
  1. It will create a file named output.txt in the same directory.
  2. Copy the content of the output.txt file and paste it into the tasks.json file or you can change the extension of the output.txt file to json and rename it to tasks.json.

▶️ Importing the Test Data into MongoDB

  1. First use Task.deleteMany(); to delete all the existing tasks.
  2. Then comment out the deleteMany line and run the script again by running node tasksDB.js in your terminal.

Already I discussed about how to import the data into MongoDB in the previous section. Here (opens in a new tab) is the link to the previous section.

const connectDB = require("./db/connect");
const Task = require("./models/task");
const tasksJSON = require("./tasks.json");
const start = async () => {
  try {
    await connectDB(process.env.MONGODB_URL);
    await Task.create(tasksJSON);
    // await Task.deleteMany();
    console.log("Tasks created successfully");
  } catch (error) {