Cranq Setup
Read This on Github
⭐ Cranq Introduction
Let's Start with the Basics of the Project
What is metamask ?
Metamask is a cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that allows you to store, send, and receive Ether (the cryptocurrency used on the Ethereum blockchain) as well as other cryptocurrencies. It also enables you to run decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum network and swap tokens within the wallet.
Store Ether
Send Ether
Receive Ether
Run Dapps
Swap Tokens
Create Metamask
Download from here (opens in a new tab)
This is our Mainnet
⭐Address of the smart contract
Address of the smart contract
GO to this link (opens in a new tab) and first copy your address from metamask and paste it here and click on send me some ether and you will get some ether in your metamask account.
You need to mint more Goerli tokens on website: (opens in a new tab) Or if that's still not enough you can mint on (opens in a new tab) website as well just need to verify your address. On this site you can also buy if you want more than 0.2 (I bought 2x 20 Goerli (2x5$), but it was not sending me automatically so writer them on telegram and in few minutes they send me manually. So it can be trusted I belive :) )
Change the image size by using the click-and-scroll function.
and now copy the address of the smart contract and paste it here and click on connect to web3 and you will be connected to the smart contract.
Change the image size by using the click-and-scroll function.